Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reflections on Preaching

So, I preached my first sermon last Sunday, and I thought I'd post some dot-point reflections and some things I heard and learnt preparing, and some feedback I've been given so far.

1. Preaching a whole book of a Bible is hard.
2. Yet, preaching the Psalms is a joy in the future I will always look forward to.
3. Mannerisms are welcome.. My friend Nick told me he was scared to hear the 'Preacher Alan' so when it turned out 'Preacher Alan' didn't exist, he was glad.
4. Mannerisms are not welcome.. when it is putting your hand in your pocket.
5. Preaching with Mic in hand is not ideal for me. If I don't have both hands, I can't communicate with them very well at all. Hence the hand in pocket.
6. Mikey says that newbies either tend to be over-prepared.. or under-prepared. I learned I'm one of those under-prepared sort.
7. Preparation - "Spend more time in the text!" - Thanks bro ;-)
8. Memorising, heading out for a day/half day, and meditating on the scripture you are preaching is invaluable. God taught me much when I was trying less to be intellectual and more prayerful.
9. Visuals (Powerpoint and Video) are not necessary for a sermon. Well it seemed that way.
10. "Once you've got up there you'll love it, you'll be hooked."
11. Preaching to your pastor and two of his kids in their living room seems like it could prepare you for any mid-sermon situation. (This is but a theory, I'm yet to have it tested on me)
12. Full script does in fact work for me. Eventually I suspect it will be a hybrid of full-script and dot points, but there is something real cool about expressing something with full intention.

If you're interested, the sermon can be found here - I would love any feedback (all forms of constructive feedback), you can share in the comments, or drop me an email.
If you're wondering about the 'sans-baby' comment - a mum at the church was speaking prior to me beginning, and her bub was particularly drawn to the black toy mummy seemed to be trying to eat, and wanted a try too. ;-)

Doing this first sermon was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life! It is certainly something God willing I would like to do more of, and really desire to improve at, and grow in. I was blessed to have this opportunity, thank you God, Wellspring and the Resonate team. :-)


David McKay said...

G'day Al
I'm downloading your sermon as I type. It's in a new Alan Reader folder, sitting there waiting for companions ...

Alan said...

Hi David!
Thanks for reading. It'll be September before you can add a companion to it.. :-D