Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hello Old Friend

You may have been wondering what I've been up to the past few months,
without a blog in sight. It's been interesting I must say! I know I've
left a few blog series' in the middle of nowhere, but it's not all for

Hopefully by the end of this weekend I will have a new blog up and
running at I've been working on it for a few months,
building it myself from the HTML tags upwards, and although it's still
a work in progress, I think it's ready enough to unleash on the world.

So why?
In the middle of this year I had a discussion with Mikey Lynch about
life in general and MTS and I came to the conclusion that next year
(2010) was the go for beginning MTS.
I decided, alongside that, to begin a new blog detailing what I'm up
to and what I need prayer for, what I'm learning, and what I'm
reading. I also wanted to have links to things I liked and support,
and photos videos and audio clips.
My current blog just wasn't going to cut it.

So what about all I began on this blog?
I'll be looking at transferring this blog onto the new one, dropping
out some kindof useless stuff and continuing the series' I have
already begun. So hold onto your hats and scarves and I'll let you
know when the new site is up. I'll be blogging regularly (every two or
three days) from then on!

Hope to see you there,

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