Monday, September 15, 2008

Gospel according to..

Second hand information can be good.. but sometimes it's really helpful to get back to the source.

This has never been more true than with the Gospel.
In the big bad world of evangelism so many people have their own idea of the Gospel, and preach it daily..:
  • "Jesus was just a man"
  • "The Gospels of Mark, Mark 2.0 (Luke), Mark 2.1 (Matthew), and John are all literalist revisioning of a Pagan Mystery religion."
  • "There was no literal Jesus."
  • "The Good News is there's a sale on Mormon ties and hoodies"
In our present post-christian society (anyone got a technical term for this?), we have the challenge of preaching and ministering the Gospel to those who have already "heard it" today..
They'll accept anything as Gospel..

..without reading it themselves.

How can we be challenging the secular world to be opening the Bible before creating their own version of the Gospel?

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