Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"In the world, not of the world.."

A common phrase.
But what does this really look like?

How much should we be removed from the world?
To what degree should we involve ourselves in the activities of this world in order to win people to Christ?

There are the extremes.
The Exclusive Brethren are at one end, our 'lapsed' brothers and sisters at the other.

We are called to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16), and shine like stars in a depraved generation (Philippians 2:12-18). We are also called to do all things to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:23-33).

Does this define our behaviour in certain contexts, or, does it define which contexts we place ourselves to behave?

Are we to witness in every place, or is there places or contexts that we cannot witness?

Can we also participate in the world, for necessity (say our Jobs), being witness to Christ to the best of our ability?


Renae said...

Fiona wrote something really interesting about this. A bit of a different angle but mostly the same idea. Have you read it?

By the way, I read this blog. Just so you know! :o)

Alan said...

Yeah I read that.. I should link it in a post..! Cause I really liked it. I like her take on things..
This post was kind of borne out of inspiration from that post, and a moral dilemma I had recently..

Thanks for comment Renae! :-D