Friday, November 7, 2008


I was talking to my mate Mike recently. We have fairly candid discussions. The other day I found myself discussing with him what I found attractive in a Christian woman. He reckoned it was worth blogging about. So here it is I suppose. I hope you believe me! :-P

The biggest thing for me, and probably the first thing I notice about someone, is their servant attitude. And sometimes, this hits me for six.
I find that there is an inherent beauty in someone who has a servant heart. Someone that is willing to be the one that helps out preparing or cleaning up, someone who will go out of their way to give you a ride, someone that will always look for an opportunity to bring a bit of light into someone else's life.
Coupled with quiet humility and joy, and I just lose it. This is probably why:

Where someone humbly serves another, it's a beautiful example of following the two greatest commandments. The humility, avoiding glory for ones actions or intentions brings all the more glory to Christ. This is an example of loving God, and not seeking their own glory.
The act of service itself is a response to Christ's commandment that we love one another, and shows Christ's Lordship over their life, and to do it with Joy.
And if a girl shows that to be an important part of her life, I just can't go past it! I can't help it.. I guess God has granted me the appreciation of the work of this nature he does in his servants. Other considerations follow.. so no, don't worry, I don't fall for every girl on the planet.. :-D

But for all those people, male or female, who have shown me such love, I want to say thankyou, and I praise God for your gifts, and I encourage you to use them in every opportunity you get.. Thankyou for being a wonderful example to me.

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