Friday, November 7, 2008

Small Groups II

Our system at Wellspring is not without flaws, and in its initial form, was difficult to operate in.
One casualty was the Live Music Missional Team.
This was my team.
Where the system failed was in community. The focus was very external, the object, to reach people with the Gospel. The method, to go out and be community. People were invited to join missional teams where they felt they shared a common interest, and engage with the team's general direction
The idea was sound, the execution, not so sound. We may have wanted to be community, but in fact had never fostered a growth of community before setting out. We lacked a lot of direction, and were not sure of the way forward.
This, at least in the Music team, is in large part my fault, and a difficult lesson to learn.

I am grateful for the recent refining of our small groups. It allowed for the pruning of some of our old ideas and the introduction of new ideas to include and encourage the natural desire of some of the quiet leaders of our service. The result is a healthy and growing interest in joining small groups, studying with one another in community, where we can invite others in. The live music team can still have life, but to be successful, it's basis needs to be in Christ, community with Christ, community with one another, and then the extension into the community large.

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