Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blogfast: partial failure.

I know, a week early.. I wasn't doing very well keeping away from the blogsphere. I found myself not only returning because you hear about what's going down in the blogsphere from people in the real world, but also because I would search the internet for things, and interestingly enough, most of the world is running their own blogs, not websites anymore! And people posted bloglinks on facebook.. I think next time both need to go, and not for as long a time.

But having made the (not so good) effort, I have noticed and learned a few things:

- It is unsettling that there are certain things that have become or are becoming designated blog discussion only, like talking about sexual issues, pornography and politics. I am glad it's being done, but is it easier done on blogs? And is it adequate?
Back in primary school, before blogs and the internet in fact, there were a lot of 'special books' and people brought in who didn't know you to discuss untouchable subjects. Why will it never be a personal thing?
-My current main source of written Theological influence is a blog. A corporate one, but a blog nonetheless. Is this a worry? Will books be better?
-The world is becoming segmented into bite sized pieces. I'm labelling it neither good nor bad, just interesting. But in light of this, what does this mean for educational blogs? Are we getting holistic information? Are we also adding to the simplifying of everything?
-We are spending our time talking more than ever, as everyone has an opinion, and will develop there own online opinion. Does this mean we listen less?

Just some thoughts and reflections.

1 comment:

Mikey Lynch said...

great post dude.

yeah, you should read more books.