Sunday, October 26, 2008

"he will simpy be remembered as wrong"

I was having a conversation with my Dad today, about the Dawkins-Lennox debate. (Thanks Jolly) My Dad and I have a lot of interesting discussions, as he is a self titled Christian evolutionist, as he's a background in extensive but incomplete education in most areas of tertiary science and medicine. (I don't feel that puts him in a box) And I'm a Creationist as far as the bible takes me into the scientific discussion. (Neither, I feel does this put me in a box) and we differ on things that are not Gospel issues.

My Dad has a lot of Dawkins' books, and as I spoke to my Dad today, he was telling me that it is apparent to him that Dawkins wants to be remembered as much as Darwin:

"But I feel he will simply be remembered as wrong,"
He went on, after a pause that is so Characteristic of my Dad's conversation style,
"not in the Christian/Darwinism debate, but purely in evolutionary science."

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