Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Christian/Atheist debate

I am becoming increasingly tired of the Christian/Atheist debate.
Below I made mention of the Dawkins-Lennox debate, but I'm not just thinking of that, I'm thinking closer to home.
Recently I have been having a few discussions with Atheists via facebook. Mainly I have been acting as an arbiter, or simply discussing the Bible on it's own terms. I'm not into the Philosophy, and neither am I qualified to answer. Plus it can be a little dry.

But all this makes me wonder.
Is Christianity engaging the Atheistic community helping, or is it increasing the problem?
Are we simply giving tools of rejection to those who might otherwise accept the Gospel?
It seems the more we defend, the more voices that become educated in atheistic thought and come against us.

I'm also finding that in discussion, when coming back to the Bible, so much more gets discussed and considered. I don't think I'll become an apologist. I just want to preach the Gospel man.


Unknown said...

Yeah man. Just preach it.

Anonymous said...

"I just want to preach the Gospel man."

Hey alan, I don't know if you've noticed the same thing, but when it comes to the Christian/Athiest debate, in my experience Jesus doesn't get much of a mention by either side.

Seems odd...

Michael said...

I heard an interesting thing from John McArthur (the guy who does the radio program Grace to You) about philosophy.

"Philosophy is the search for truth... but you never find it. If you study philosophy you get a degree for Looking."

Alan said...

Hey guys, thanks for commenting..
Em - I will!
John - your observation is interesting, and I concur, Jesus is often left out of the picture.. We offer a defence of Christianity that doesn't talk at all about the hope we have in Christ Jesus. It's no wonder we often get no-where.
Michael - that quote is gold mate.. gold.