Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tidbits of the week 1

Here are some 'tidbits' from Sermons I have been listening to.

"Devious people don't lie, it's too risky. They deceive with the truth.."
"..In the atmosphere in which we live, this is incredibly prevalent in our day. Some people know they are doing it and others are so conformed to the spirit of the age, they don't even know they are doing it. They don't even know there is such a thing as use of language that has integrity. That's the age we live in.."
"..Language is a game by which we conceal what we don't want known, and reveal what we want known, even if it's false. And we are good at it."

This is from his sermon The Tragic cost of her Cavernous Thirst preached by John Piper this past weekend, and it was once again an illustration founded in the story of the woman at the well. He raises the issue of truth by reflecting on the woman's response to Jesus telling her to get her husband. and the above comments were the crux of his reflections.


"We pray and pray and pray for our city, and we believe that as we pray, though God may not answer quickly, he does answer. That's why I think prayer is so hard, because.. so many times it's hard to see a tangible result is it not, and so it's easier to just go do it yourself, 'cause then you can go 'look what I did'. But if it's based on you, I have to wonder how long it'll really last."

This is from The Village Church, for those who know Matt Chandler, his church. This sermon was by Beau Hughes, entitled Loving Our Neighbours. It convicted me of my attitude toward prayer, and my person struggle of faith for God to provide and to act. And in the greater context of the sermon, convicted me of my lack of prayer in my personal evangelism and 'loving of my neighbour'.

Just some awesome stuff.

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